Great read Steven. I like your idea and agree with most of it... thanks for sharing your experience as a 25 yr old! Just one note though. "Modern science" might back this up in the future, yeah f**k the EGO but science is probably the best tool we have to try explain these spiritual phenomena. I believe in the connection between physics, consciousness and psychology. Explained with current advancement in the quantum world. If you are interested in the physics of consciousness I'd recommend any book from theoretical physicist, David Bohm;

“Space is not empty. It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy.” – David Bohm.

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May 26·edited May 26Author

Space is full all right...full of Shiva, for lack of a better word/name. Shivites say Shiva is in Space.

The word quantum should be seen as a living situation, not merely objects, which is the perception feature of the left brain, which observes objects with the desire to control them.

Science it seems, doesn't understand how to intertwine neuropsychology.

Physics may be intolerant of other sciences, but it loves being king of the hill, in modern days.

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I like David, as an innovator and a purveyor of Eastern Mysticism. He’s one of few and is gone now and the taint of science is well under way.

I have many such splendid experiences.

Experience is the real key, and the way. A whole brain experience.

Explaining is a necessary phenom of the human left-brain hemisphere, which houses the ego.

You might enjoy The Neural AUM, either in book or blog form.

Stevenakey.com key blogs

Peace and Health.

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